Static Security
The Role Of a Static Guard
To prevent fire, flood and damage to your property.
To prevent waste of your company’s resources.
To prevent accidents.
To detect and prevent offences.
These security patrols vary both in time and route, in order to ensure the element of surprise should an incident occur. If an incident does occur, it is always logged in the appropriate incident book. This may become important evidence if the police need to be called.
We At Nationwide Believe the safety and security of your site should not be compromised by cutting corners during all our guards shifts we carry routine hourly checks and all guards fill in hourly and daily logs of there tasks while on shift, we also have a 24HR control centre with a 24Hr 0800 number direct to a managers at all times.
Our site retention records alone can be shown to any prospective clients proving that we are the best available security company for your static security needs.
0800 234 3241